Cloud Security Explained: Everything You Need to Know

Cloud Security Explained: Everything You Need to Know

Statista data shows that cloud-based databases hold more than 60% of corporate data. By 2025, it is predicted the databases will be holding more than 200 zettabytes of data. These environments hold data backups, log files, media files, and many sensitive files. Cloud security was introduced in 2008. The goal was to create systems that protect the growing volumes of data in these spaces.

Today, the measures are divided into a series of procedures and technologies. They all work to prevent and deal with both internal and external data threats. The need for proactive and reactive security measures increased with the introduction of digital transformation. Part of the framework includes cloud-based security services and an array of cloud-based tools.

Cloud security basics and evolution

The main concept of cloud computing in terms of security is taking shared responsibility. Amazon was the first to install a business-oriented cloud – the Elastic Computer Cloud in 2006. Later, Amazon upgraded to AWS. Google launched GCP and Microsoft implemented Azure. Soon, the 3 major clouds began to experience serious security threats.

The top threats were account manipulation and brute force breaches. Application access theft was also common. As more organizations bought storage spaces in the cloud, more security problems appeared. Organizations began to deal with malware, data losses, login theft, and API attacks. Stricter solutions had to be implemented.

Cloud computing gave a boost to remote work and cloud storage. It also attracted networks of organized cybercrime. Brute force attacks have recently become popular as a result. The attackers use trial and error methods to get login data and crack passwords. Many of them try to get end to end encryption keys to decrypt data. Cyber attackers use many more methods such as malware and ransom attacks. The types of threats targeting cloud databases have grown more today. Organizations need a trusted cybersecurity resource to solve the challenge. Solutions may involve securing keys and logins safely within the cloud environment. It includes safe migration, storage, and use of data.

Today, cloud security definition is multifaceted. Experts define it as a group of processes and technologies working to improve cloud safety. Unlike the technologies of the 2010s, modern technologies make the protection systems resilient. It is scalable, flexible, and fast. They work within defined infrastructures to protect both applications and data. Protection makes sure there is controlled access, data, and device privacy. The security system works under sets of policies and guidelines.

How does cloud security operate?

The security of cloud computing puts the main focus on several key areas. These are important areas that impact cloud security more broadly. When properly implemented, they harness the power of security in the cloud. The areas include the following.

  • Implementation of policies. Principles of actions proposed and agreed upon by the key stakeholders.
  • Paying attention to processes. Processes are different steps taken to achieve tightly secure cloud spaces.
  • Implementing technologies. Sets of devices, networks, and applications that streamline security in the cloud.
  • Working corporately. Each entity plays its part in ensuring the cloud environment is secure.

To understand the operations of the different components, you need to know what to look for in cloud security. The entire environment works under intertwined technologies and policies. It is locked in a lot of controls, apps, and best practices. They all flow under defined infrastructure designed to keep data safe. Overall, cloud security works this way.

How does cloud security operate?

Managing a complex network security

Network security relies on a series of cloud security service providers. They put security measures around the data stores and transmission networks. They protect cloud apps, containers, servers, and hybrid networks. Some of the security measures they implement are firewalls and threat detection solutions. They may create VPNs, access controls, and compliance measures. There are hundreds of network security solutions available.

Cloud security monitoring and logging

Monitoring allows users and providers to track activities in the cloud environment. They use different tools to monitor and detect threats or incidences. If they detect anything, the system generates and sends alerts. Logging involves gathering data about access by users. They check any changes in configurations or breaches in user accounts. The system stores all the access and data in one place.

Compliance and governance

Compliance means to follow certain regulatory and standards requirements. They are created by recognized agencies or authorities. To comply, an entity has to achieve the threshold. It touches on areas of data availability, integrity, and confidentiality. Governance deals with controlling and directing stakeholders on the cloud security approaches. The governing authorities run different activities used for making security decisions and necessary actions.

Disaster recovery and data backups

Cloud security infrastructure runs several policies and recovery processes. They implement specific tools that allow workflows to continue after breaches. These measures allow key IT structures to continue working after serious breaches. The same systems create copies of data consistently even when there are no attacks. They ensure the same data is available to a user if they lose the original to an attack.

Cloud security benefits and risks

The greatest benefit of cloud security is data protection. Information moves in and out of cloud spaces all the time. Security measures ensure that information is safe no matter its location. Cloud databases are shared which offers cost-effectiveness to users. The measures allow scaling and offer flexible choices. Cloud security boosts data availability and reliability. The solutions keep guarding the data to prevent all forms of theft.

Cloud databases are a major target of malicious actors. They understand the volumes of data stored there and often try to steal it. Some of the important risks affecting cloud security include data loss and breaches. There are the challenges of insider threats, hijacking accounts, and compliance issues. Malicious activities are common in the cloud spaces including identity theft.


The amount of data in the cloud spaces is growing to millions of zettabytes. At almost the same pace, the types of cyber security threats have multiplied. Cloud security is crucial and a shared responsibility of every stakeholder. It relies on sets of rules, systems, and technologies to work. Cloud security protects millions of databases by controlling access, monitoring, and preventing attacks. The measures optimize the system to shield data against malware, breaches, and many types of attacks.

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The Differences between Formative Assessment and Summative Assessment

The Differences between Formative Assessment and Summative Assessment

Understanding the difference between formative and summative assessment is fundamental for educators and learners alike. While both types of assessment evaluate student performance, they serve distinct purposes in the educational process.

Each focus serves a unique purpose in education and deserves close evaluation to achieve a unified goal. Together, they function as tools for teachers to ensure optimal results and empower students for growth.

Formative Assessment

Purpose: Formative assessment aims to provide ongoing feedback during the learning process. It helps educators identify areas where students excel and where they need additional support.

Timing: This type of assessment occurs throughout the learning process, allowing for adjustments and improvements along the way.

Feedback: Immediate and specific feedback is a hallmark of formative assessment. It guides students in understanding their progress and areas for improvement.

Examples: Common examples of formative assessment include quizzes, class discussions, and homework assignments.

Formative assessment plays a critical role in shaping instruction and supporting student growth. By providing timely feedback, educators can tailor their teaching methods to meet the needs of individual learners, ultimately leading to improved outcomes in the classroom.

Summative Assessment

Purpose: Summative assessment evaluates student learning at the end of a unit, semester, or school year. Its primary purpose is to measure overall achievement and assign grades or scores.

Timing: Unlike formative assessment, which occurs during the learning process, summative assessment takes place after learning is complete.

Feedback: Feedback in summative assessment is typically delayed and focuses on evaluating performance rather than guiding improvement.

Examples: Examples of summative assessment include final exams, standardized tests, and end-of-year projects.

While formative assessment informs instruction, summative assessment provides a summary of student achievement. By combining both types of assessment, educators can gain a comprehensive understanding of student progress and make informed decisions about curriculum and instruction.

Formative vs Summative Assessment: What’s the Difference?

Formative assessment focuses on guiding instruction and providing ongoing feedback, while summative assessment evaluates overall achievement at the end of a learning period.

Timing: Formative assessment takes place during learning, while summative assessment occurs after learning.

Purpose: Formative assessment aims to improve learning, while summative assessment evaluates learning outcomes.

Feedback: Formative assessment provides immediate feedback for improvement, while summative assessment offers delayed feedback focused on performance evaluation.

Examples: Formative assessment includes quizzes and discussions, while summative assessment includes final exams and standardized tests.

Understanding the key differences between formative and summative assessment is essential for educators to effectively gauge student progress and tailor instruction to meet individual needs.

Qualifications for Assessor 

TAE40122 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment  and TAE50122 – Diploma of Vocational Education and Training these qualifications are commonly sought by educators and trainers. These certifications equip individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to design, deliver, and assess training programs effectively. While not directly related to formative or summative assessment, they underscore the importance of assessment in vocational education settings. Educators with these qualifications are better equipped to implement both formative and summative assessment strategies to evaluate student learning effectively.

In conclusion, formative and summative assessments serve distinct purposes in education. While formative assessment supports ongoing learning and improvement, summative assessment provides a snapshot of student achievement. By utilizing both types of assessment, educators can gain valuable insights into student progress and make data-driven decisions to enhance learning outcomes.

Read how to evaluate online educational content for Advanced Placement studies.

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Playful Learning: Wooden Toys as Tools for Developing Communication Skills of Kids

The Role of Using Wooden Toys in the Development of Children's Communication Skills

All caring parents want to do the best for their beloved children. Giving them attention, care and parental warmth is the main task of all moms and dads. It is also important for each of us to worry about the right ways to develop our little explorers and give them all the necessary tools for this.

Today there is such a variety of methods to stimulate children to learn new knowledge and skills that it is impossible to prioritize any of them. But no matter what new techniques are in trend, the fundamental point always stands that true natural mechanisms are the most harmonious.

Today we want to pay closer attention to the topic of using wooden toys for educational open play for children of different ages.

The Way of Wooden Toys to the Modern World of Children’s Entertainment

It’s no secret that natural materials were the first materials used to make various objects, including toys. Children need developmental tools, and even in the absence of special play objects, can create them themselves from any objects around them. To give even the strangest objects properties and to put them in their imagination and find their use – this is a real children’s superpower. This is the main factor in the development of a child’s communication skills.

For many centuries homemade wooden toys were an obligatory part of family life. This is confirmed by archaeological finds of different times.

And only in the 18th century, the first toy production began to appear. And for more than two centuries, wood was the main material for playthings. Until the 20th century, it was displaced by a cheaper and faster material – plastic.

Wooden Toys as a Basic Natural Tool for Personal Growth

It is at this point that we can start counting down the plastic era, which, in addition to its many advantages, has significant flaws. The fact is that plastic toys are so colorful and detailed that they literally kill the child’s ability to conjecture, fantasize, and imagine. Noticing this, experts in child psychology began to call on parents to pay more attention to wooden toys, which are the most effective for developing, teaching, and improving children’s abilities. Open activities with safe play objects made of natural materials have an impact on the growth of several skills of children of different ages.

Sensory Experience of Perception and Interaction when playing with wooden toys.

Sensory Experience of Perception and Interaction

Encountering different shapes and textures at a very early age is the baby’s first sensory experience. This is an extremely important developmental stage, the foundation on which more complex cognitive structures will be built later on. Natural wooden toys with different shapes provide a unique multi-sensory experience. Tactile sensations and attempts to perform the first actions cover all the senses of the baby and become an effective stimulus for the creation of neural connections.

Fine Motor Skills and Building Cognitive Connections

Only the lazy parent is not already well aware of the importance of a child’s fine motor control for future communication skills. Touching, grabbing, holding, and repositioning are essential experiences in interacting with objects, which will later be a factor in the development of the brain centers responsible for verbal communication. In addition, manipulating wooden toys actively teaches coordination and helps the child learn basic physical and territorial concepts.

Stimulation and Progress of Speech Skills

At an older age, wooden toys stimulate the emergence and progression of communication functions. Description of the properties of the object: color, shape, texture. As well as free play with parts of wooden constructors or sorters directly affects the building of logical and cause-and-effect associations. In the process of growing up, details made of wood become one of the best tools for role-playing games, in the process of which the child’s language and imagination develop very quickly.

Practicing the Concentration Holding Ability

Wooden constructors, unlike colorful plastic analogs, do not have fixation mechanisms. This is extremely important in the matter of teaching a child the ability to retain focus on a particular task. By assembling wooden parts or focusing on sorting objects of different shapes and colors, children can improve their capabilities to hold their attention for a long time and be ready to find new solutions and ways of doing things.

A Pile of Child's Wooden Blocks

Extra Benefits of Choosing Wooden Toys for Your Child

Creativity, flight of fancy, and communication in the form of internal and social communication – can be considered the main pluses that convince us as parents to buy wooden toys for our kids. But besides this, natural wooden toys have other bonuses:

  • Therapeutic Properties

Wooden toys are used by leading experts in the field of child development as the main therapeutic tool. And in logopedic practice, professionals most actively use wooden objects.

  • Eco-friendly and Safe

The materials used for the production of such toys are absolutely ecological. They do not contain toxic materials and are safe even for babies. The quality of the simplest and cheapest wooden toys is guaranteed to be better than many plastic analogs.

  • Stability and Durability

Experienced parents know well how important it is that the material of toys is durable and stable. Toys made of wood will withstand almost any damage and will remain intact and ready for a new game.

In choosing wooden toys for their children, caring parents choose the best level of growth for their child, multifunctionality, and a great perspective for play activities. The variety of toys made of wood today is so wide that products are available in different formats for all age groups. Try to give your child a new experience of playing with toys made of eco-friendly and natural materials that not only make it fun but also promote learning and training of new essential skills.

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Citizen Science Goes Mobile: Empowering Kids Through Tech-Driven Conservation Apps | Animal Protection Education

Citizen Science Goes Mobile for Animal Conservation

The future of environmental conservation hinges not only on scientific research but also on public participation and awareness.  Fortunately, technology is bridging the gap, offering innovative ways to engage the next generation in conservation efforts.

As we explore the rise of mobile apps designed for citizen science projects, we learn how they empower kids to actively collect real-world data for animal conservation.

Beyond the Classroom: Citizen Science in the Digital Age

Citizen science projects have a long history of engaging the public in scientific research.  Traditionally, participation involved activities like birdwatching, collecting plant samples, or recording weather data.  However, smartphones and mobile technology have revolutionized citizen science, making it more accessible and engaging, especially for children.

  • Democratizing Data Collection: Mobile apps remove geographical barriers and complex equipment requirements, allowing anyone with a smartphone to contribute to scientific research. This empowers kids to become citizen scientists, participating in data collection efforts from their backyards or local parks.
  • Gamification for Good: Many citizen science apps incorporate game mechanics to make data collection a thrilling adventure for children. Imagine earning points for identifying different bird species or completing challenges related to monitoring local water quality. This fun and engaging approach fosters a sense of competition and accomplishment, igniting a spark of excitement and motivation in kids to actively participate in conservation efforts.
  • Real-World Impact: The data collected through these apps isn’t just for show. It’s used in vital research projects. Kids can feel a profound sense of achievement, knowing their observations are used by scientists to track animal populations, monitor environmental changes, and inform conservation strategies. This sense of accomplishment can inspire a lifelong passion for environmental stewardship.

Apps in Action: Examples of Mobile Citizen Science for Kids

There’s a wealth of mobile apps designed for citizen science projects, catering to a variety of interests and age groups.  iNaturalist allows users to document a wide range of wildlife, from birds and butterflies to plants and fungi.

Kids can take pictures and the app uses image recognition and a community of experts to help with identification.  The collected data contributes to a global biodiversity database used by scientists for research and conservation efforts.

CoCoRaHS focuses on weather observation, essential for monitoring climate change’s impact on wildlife habitats.  Kids can use their smartphones to measure precipitation and record weather data, contributing valuable information to a national network.  The app offers educational resources specifically designed for them, fostering an understanding of weather patterns and their connection to animal conservation.

Finally, SciStarter acts as a hub, connecting users with a vast array of citizen science projects across various disciplines, including animal conservation.  Kids can browse projects based on their location and interests, whether it’s tracking butterfly migrations, monitoring local water quality, or recording amphibian calls. SciStarter provides resources and instructions for each project, ensuring a smooth and engaging citizen science experience.

Engaging Activities and Learning Opportunities

These conservation science apps offer more than just data collection; they unlock a treasure trove of engaging activities and learning opportunities. Imagine transforming a simple nature walk into a scientific expedition.

Equipped with a citizen science app, kids can identify plant species, track insect populations, or monitor the health of local trees. These activities spark curiosity about the natural world and instill a sense of responsibility for its well-being. Furthermore, by identifying and documenting different animal species, children build a deeper connection with local wildlife, fostering appreciation for their existence and the importance of protecting their habitats.

Many apps also provide information about animal behavior, diet, and conservation threats, fostering empathy and understanding for the creatures they encounter.  Finally, some apps offer features that connect them with a global community of citizen scientists.  Kids can see how their data contributes to a larger project and interact with others who are passionate about conservation.  This fosters a sense of community and belonging, motivating them to continue their involvement in protecting wildlife.

Why Animal Protection Education Matters

Animal protection education goes beyond simply teaching children about different animal species. It aims to cultivate a sense of empathy, responsibility, and respect for all living creatures. Here’s why incorporating animal protection education into a child’s life is crucial:

Fostering Empathy and Compassion

By learning about the unique behaviors, needs, and vulnerabilities of animals, children develop empathy and compassion for creatures different from themselves. This understanding can translate into responsible actions towards pets, wildlife encounters, and even dietary choices.

Building a Sense of Responsibility

Animal protection education teaches children about the threats animals face, including habitat loss, pollution, and human actions. By understanding these challenges, children can develop a sense of responsibility for the well-being of animals and the environment they share.

Promoting Responsible Pet Ownership

Many children dream of having a pet. Animal protection education equips them with the knowledge and skills necessary for responsible pet ownership. Learning about proper care, training, and ethical treatment of animals lays the foundation for a lifelong bond and minimizes the risk of pet neglect or abandonment.

Inspiring Future Conservationists

Early exposure to animal protection issues can spark a lifelong passion for conservation in children. By learning about successful conservation efforts and the positive impact humans can have, children are empowered to become advocates for animal welfare and environmental stewardship.

Animal protection education doesn’t require elaborate field trips or expensive resources.  Simple acts like discussing responsible pet care, reading stories about endangered species, or visiting a local animal shelter can all plant the seeds of compassion and inspire a new generation of animal protectors.

Empowering the Next Generation of Conservationists

Mobile citizen science apps offer a powerful tool for engaging children in animal conservation efforts.  By turning them into active participants in data collection, these apps foster a sense of purpose, build connections with the natural world, and inspire a passion for environmental stewardship.  With the knowledge gained through these apps and the opportunity to contribute to real-world research, children become empowered to become the next generation of conservationists, working towards a future where humans and wildlife can thrive in harmony.

Parents and educators are responsible for introducing children to these mobile tools and encouraging participation in citizen science projects. We can cultivate a generation of environmentally conscious individuals by fostering a love for nature, empowering children with the tools to participate in citizen science, and encouraging them to take action.  These future leaders will be equipped with the knowledge and passion necessary to address the challenges facing our planet and ensure a sustainable future for all its human and animal inhabitants.

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